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179 € / hour GeoFin a apărut din dorința de a pune la dispoziția antreprenorilor și administratorilor de societăți comerciale, prin diverse servicii, întreaga experiență acumulată de mine, Nicolaescu Gheorghiță-Vasile, în cei peste 3 ani de zi...

  • Insurance services


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5 € / hour

Ofer serviciu de transportare pasageri, curse nationale, internationale!


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Oferim servicii de: Consultație juridică Întocmire și verificare contracte Întocmire și depunere petiții (cereri) Înregistrarea, reorganizarea și suspendarea persoanelor juridice Întocmire documente Lichidare companii Perfectare acte Viză de ...

  • Consultation

  • Lawyer

  • Translation

  • Notary services


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Oferim servicii: Consultație juridică Întocmire și verificare contracte Întocmire și depunere petiții (cereri) Înregistrarea, reorganizarea și suspendarea persoanelor juridice Întocmire documente Investiții, parteneri Avocați

  • Consultation

  • Lawyer

  • Translation


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Servicii de lucrari de constructii -de lucrari de construcții generale -de lucrari de zidarie -de lucrari de constructii de locuinte -de lucrari de constructii -pentru executia tavanelor false -de lucrari de tencuire -de lucrar...


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Наш салон был открыт 03.05.2018г. С самого начала мы собрали сильную ( с многолетним опытом ) и дружную команду, чтобы нашим клиентом было комфортно в нашем коллективе. Мы стараемся угодить каждому клиенту, чтобы он уходил от нас в приподнятом настро...

  • Hair Stylist

  • Make-up

  • Manicure and pedicure

  • Gen extensions


Executed jobs
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Ofer servicii de: Consultație juridică Întocmire și verificare contracte Întocmire și depunere petiții (cereri) Înregistrarea, reorganizarea și suspendarea persoanelor juridice Întocmire documente Lichidare companii Perfectare acte Viză de do...

  • Consultation

  • Lawyer


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Image Studio CLASIC este un centru de formare pentru modelarea unghiilor, manichiură, pedichiură, make-up, extensii pentru genelor, machiaj permanent (tatuaj) Aceasta și atelierul de estetică a unghiilor, a feței și a corpului, unde puteți obține un...


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Sunt avocat în cadrul Biroului București din anul 2001. După mai mulți ani de colaborare am decis să înființez propriul cabinet de avocatură, care are sediul în București. Ofer servicii de: Consultație juridică Întocmire și verificare contracte Î...

  • Consultation

  • Lawyer

  • Translation

  • Notary services


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Ofer servicii de consulatie juridica Servicii notariale Traduceri

  • Consultation

  • Lawyer

  • Translation

  • Notary services

  • _asc
  • _desc
  • Now on the site


  • Consultation
  • Lawyer
  • Translation
  • Notary services
  • Guard/security
  • Others
  • Hair Stylist
  • Cosmetology
  • Make-up
  • Manicure and pedicure
  • Gen extensions
  • Nail extension
  • Correction, eyebrow dyeing
  • Others
  • Architecture and design
  • Interior work
  • External work
  • Electricity
  • Sanitary works
  • Manufacture and repair of furniture
  • Repair,installation of the roof
  • Others
  • Body repairs
  • Hauler
  • Tires
  • Supplies
  • Laundry
  • Others
  • nannies
  • Education
  • Food - Care
  • Children's clothing
  • Games - Toys
  • Others
  • Apartments and rooms for sale
  • rent apartments
  • Houses and villas
  • Lands
  • Commercial spaces, Offices
  • Garage and Parking
  • Hotels and Tourism
  • Real estate services
  • Create website, application
  • Printers, Scanners
  • Brochures, Leaflets
  • Create logos
  • miscellaneous
  • House cleaning
  • Cleaning of offices
  • Removal of garbage
  • Chemical cleaning
  • Miscellaneous
  • Delivery flowers, gifts
  • food delivery
  • Delivery of clothes and footwear
  • International courier
  • Distribution of flyers
  • Others
  • Home appliances service
  • TVs / phones / tablets
  • Air conditioning systems
  • Furnaces,boilers
  • Others
  • Foreign languages
  • dances
  • music
  • Sports
  • Auto School
  • Others
  • Credits and leasing
  • Insurance services
  • Advertise on facebook
  • Consulting services
  • Others
  • Accounting / Audit/ Banks
  • Advertising/ PR
  • Construction/ Architecture
  • Education/Training
  • Cosmetics - Hairdressers - Salons
  • Installation/ Repair/ Maintenance
  • IT/ Management
  • Jurisprudence, Lawyers
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Medicine
  • Restaurant
  • Sales
  • Secretarial/ Consulting
  • Security
  • Tourism / Hotels
  • Transport
  • HR
  • Work abroad
  • Others
  • Garden arrangements
  • Swimming pools
  • Terraces
  • Furniture and decorations
  • Craftsmen
  • Others
  • Photo services
  • Video services
  • digitization
  • Publishing
  • Others
  • Events, services
  • Cookery
  • Artists, musicians
  • decoration for events
  • Transport for ceremonies
  • Entertainment programs
  • Cake to order
  • Others
  • Cargo transport
  • Car rental
  • Passenger transport
  • Car platforms
  • International transport
  • Personal driver
  • Others
  • Construction materials
  • Sanitary engineering
  • Metal articles
  • Doors, windows
  • Wooden constructions
  • Glass articles
  • Roofing materials
  • Others
  • Cosmetics and perfumery
  • Make-up
  • Cosmetology
  • Others
  • Cars
  • Buses and minibuses
  • Others
  • Soft furniture
  • Bedrooms and beds
  • Tables and chairs
  • Kitchens
  • Lighting and accessories
  • Business furniture
  • Furniture for home
  • Others
  • Others
  • Mobile Phones
  • Accessory
  • Cesktop computers
  • Tablets
  • Washing machines
  • Refrigerators
  • Gas cooker
  • Вishwashers
  • Printers
  • Hoods
  • Air conditioners
  • Boilers, water heaters
  • Heating systems
  • Others
  • Furniture for children
  • Goods for children
  • Children's clothing and footwear
  • Vacation, travel
  • Lawyer / Notary


  • Consultation
  • Lawyer
  • Translation
  • Notary services
  • Guard/security
  • Others
  • Hair Stylist
  • Cosmetology
  • Make-up
  • Manicure and pedicure
  • Gen extensions
  • Nail extension
  • Correction, eyebrow dyeing
  • Others
  • Architecture and design
  • Interior work
  • External work
  • Electricity
  • Sanitary works
  • Manufacture and repair of furniture
  • Repair,installation of the roof
  • Others
  • Body repairs
  • Hauler
  • Tires
  • Supplies
  • Laundry
  • Others
  • nannies
  • Education
  • Food - Care
  • Children's clothing
  • Games - Toys
  • Others
  • Create website, application
  • Printers, Scanners
  • Brochures, Leaflets
  • Create logos
  • miscellaneous
  • House cleaning
  • Cleaning of offices
  • Removal of garbage
  • Chemical cleaning
  • Miscellaneous
  • Delivery flowers, gifts
  • food delivery
  • Delivery of clothes and footwear
  • International courier
  • Distribution of flyers
  • Others
  • Home appliances service
  • TVs / phones / tablets
  • Air conditioning systems
  • Furnaces,boilers
  • Others
  • Foreign languages
  • dances
  • music
  • Sports
  • Auto School
  • Others
  • Credits and leasing
  • Insurance services
  • Advertise on facebook
  • Consulting services
  • Others
  • Garden arrangements
  • Swimming pools
  • Terraces
  • Furniture and decorations
  • Craftsmen
  • Others
  • Photo services
  • Video services
  • digitization
  • Publishing
  • Others
  • Events, services
  • Cookery
  • Artists, musicians
  • decoration for events
  • Transport for ceremonies
  • Entertainment programs
  • Cake to order
  • Others
  • Cargo transport
  • Car rental
  • Passenger transport
  • Car platforms
  • International transport
  • Personal driver
  • Others
  • Vacation, travel
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4