How to become a performer

    The GoodProfi site is a simple and the best way for you to increase your number of customers. All you need to do to interact and establish a customer service relationship is to register and become professional on our site. Professionals on GoodProfi are people who provide a wide range of services. Goodprofi registration is not difficult, it is enough your name, surname, age, gender and specialization after that you need to add a picture of yourself and  it would be good to upload some pictures with your work alongside your profile and mention your past experience, this would help create an online portfolio on our site. You can write about where you studied and your experience. For the client to be attracted to your services, mention the benefits that he can enjoy. Goodprofi offers you a range of subcategories where you can provide services, remember to enter the services you can do in each of them. It is forbidden to specify contact details such as: phone number or e-mail on public profile page. Following these actions, you have created your own business card, where people can write comments and leave reviews. Becoming a professional on GoodProfi you can enjoy many prizes. You can save money for advertising, have a favorable pay and flexible timetable, find customers more easily, and your data is secure, because the customer can not access them until you accept to perform the services. To have a large number of customers, you need to keep a high rating before completing tasks. People can enter your profile, leaving a note and a comment. All the notes you receive form a certain rating. To have it at a high level, you have to run your services well so you do not have unhappy customers. Later you can make a lot of work and create a career in the field where you work.