About Us
Frequent questions
How do I add a job?
How to become a GoodProfi professional
How does the Goodprofi platform work?
Unlimited offers

GoodProfi vine să revoluţioneze piaţa serviciilor din ţara noastră. Ideea este simplă, servicii profesioniste doar la un click distanţă. Platforma este destinată tuturor prestatorilor de servicii întrucât au nevoie de rezultate şi plăcere din activitate şi utilizatorilor care vor să economisească timp şi bani.  Calitatea serviciilor prestate de GoodProfi este garantată, și asta pentru că profesioniștii au experienţă, sunt corecţi, verificaţi şi autorizaţi. Înainte de a beneficia de un serviciu, orice utilizator se poate informa despre prestator, are la dispoziţie recenziile anterioare ale consumatorilor, pentru a exclude deficitul de încredere şi lipsa de de transparenţă.

GoodProfi însemnă servicii diverse din peste 20 de domenii diferite precum economie, agricultură, industrie, comerţ, transport, învăţământ, sănătate, prestate de companii din diferite ţări. Utilizatorii îşi pot alege exact sarcinile de care au nevoie, în funcţie de necesităţi şi scopuri.  Au la dispoziție o serie de filtre care îi vor ajuta să găsească în cel mai scurt timp posibil serviciul necesar. Avantajul companiilor este că pot beneficia de o vizibilitate sporită de pe urma solicitărilor, se pot alege totodată cu recenzii şi recomandări, devenind profesionişti de top. Companiile care prestează servicii pe GoodProfi îşi pot îmbunătăţi performanţele afacerii, adaptându-se cerinţelor fiecărui consumator, din orice ţară.

Totodată, consumatorii pot contribui la dezvoltarea imaginii profesioniştilor, pot beneficia de servicii ale companiilor care se găsesc şi pe alte pieţe. Utilizatorii înregistrați pe GoodProfi au doar de câștigat. Ei beneficiază de servicii calitative la orice oră în orice zi, căutare rapidă inclusiv şi de produse, cu posibilităţi de comparare a preţurilor. Comoditatea sporită este asigurată clienţilor GoodProfi și cel mai importat reduceri, întrucât profesioniștii din același domeniu vor fi mereu într-o ușoară competiție.

Alege GoodPofi și satisface-ți necesitățile chiar de la tine acasă!


General questions

How to become a good professional on Goodprofi?

What are the advantages of becoming a professional at Goodprofi?
You have a flexible work schedule, a stable income, safe services (the client does not have access to personal data of a professional, except after receiving the assignment), freedom of choice, save money on advertising (do not invest in advertising banners on sites that do not have a touch to field and do not apply directly to the problem you are interested in) and always find real customers. One of our priorities is that every professional has his own business card on goodprofi.com, where he has a portfolio of documents and feedback from clients and the evaluation that he receives on the basis of his work.
To become a successful professional at Goodprofi, you need to perform a few simple steps that will ensure you a good workload and career in the area in which you work. You should always be in touch, you can subscribe to categories or subcategories of tasks that interest you, and receive an email notification to send the proposal. When you send a sentence, you also need to write the text, the motivation for which the recipient will choose you. Try to be honest and professionally motivate why you are a suitable candidate. Always add photos of the work that you have done so that customers in the future can see your work. Ask the recipients who completed your task, leave feedback, comment on Goodprofi's profile in order to get a high rating.

Why you can be blocked and devoid by the right to be professional?

- In the case when a Professional has not fulfilled his first task

- In the case where a Professional has received five or more negative reviews;

- In the case when a Professional has indicated their contact in the comments for the job;

- In the case where a Professional has specified contact information of his profile publicly available, or links to third-party sites that contain contact information, or provide an opportunity to contact the Contractor in other ways, including demonstration sites that demonstrate the work of third parties or a portfolio of their works ;

- In cases when a professional in the comments to the task used insults, discussed issues not related to the task;

- In cases where the administration has received complaints from the client about professional non-compliance or violation of agreements, etc.;

- In the case where a professional responded to the task, but refused to perform it, without agreeing with the client and not excluding the proposal, which led to a conflict situation or stop the activities of one of the parties;

- In the case when a professional answered the task, but sent another person to the task, which is not registered on the site (friend, sister, neighbor) and without the consent of the client;

- In the case where a professional has violated the requirements for the profile photo, the photo should look professional (in FAS), without third parties, objects or animals;

- In the case when a professional has violated the rules of communication in the General chat and / or Website. General chat is a service offered by the Site and serves as a place where users can provide mutual assistance to each other. Chat with comments is prohibited, as well as criticism of customers and insults, profanity, incitement to conflict - this is a violation of the Agreement on the use Goodprofi.com.

- In the case when a professional has violated the rules of communication with the Administration. The administration oversees the implementation of the Agreement on resources Goodprofi.com. All Website users are required to use only direct contacts: personal chat, telephone, electronic mail Administration. It is forbidden to publicly discuss the administration and discuss its actions. Not consent to the actions or inaction of the Administration can be sent to the address Goodprofi.com@gmail.com

- In the event that a professional uses third party data ("fake account") to register in his / her place, which is unacceptable;

- When a professional misrepresents himself / herself, his / her age, or relationships with other people or organizations;

- In the case when professional downloads, stores, publishes, distributes, offers or uses any information which contains threats, defamation, insults, humiliates the honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene words that contain pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; contains scenes of inhumane treatment of animals; containing a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it; promotes and / or encourages racial prejudice, religious prejudice, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or ideology of racial superiority, which contains extremist material..

- In the event that the user promotes criminal activity, instructions or recommendations for the Commission of crimes containing information with restricted access, including state or commercial secrets and information about the confidentiality of third parties.

How does a newly-registered professional resist competition on the site?

Complete your personal profile.
Enter in the personal Cabinet the information about yourself: what experience do you have, where you studied, worked, what kind of services are willing to provide. Specify all the benefits that the client will receive if he chooses you as an executor for his tasks.
Check the categories of tasks you are ready to work on. Show the range of services you provide and their cost.
Download the sample work. We recommend this to all professionals. For example, if you plan to provide courier services, upload photos of the means by which you provide these services ( vehicles,means of registration and registration of receipt and delivery of parcels), or a photo of the service performed.
Pay attention! In your profile, do not specify contact information: phone, email, links to third parties, this will lead to the cancellation of your professional status.

Who creates tasks on Goodprofi?

Goodprofi customers are ordinary people who need your service right now. All you have to do is leave an offer, describe what service you provide and why you earn the job you applied to.

Rating and reviews on the site

The rating of professionals is based on the evaluation of customers. The higher the rating-the greater the opportunity to receive orders for the execution of tasks.

The main role in the calculation of the rating is played by the number of qualitatively performed tasks. To take a high position - do a lot of quality jobs.

Registering the user and getting professional status on Goodprofi

In order to become a user of the site, you must complete the registration procedure on the site. During the registration, each user will have a phone number, email address and a unique password. The password on the site must contain at least 6 symbols. If you choose as a registration method, Facebook or Google social networking, then an automatic password will be generated. The user can change the access password on the site at any time.

After registration, you will have to enter the personal mailbox shown on the site and confirm your email, unless you register via Facebook or Google.

After registration, to become a professional, you need to pass a test, including phone number confirmation, to indicate the type of categories and subcategories where you want to participate in the tasks, the correct contact information and a portfolio of your work. Indicating incorrect data will void your professional status.

Goodprofi is a professional platform that allows you to quickly and safely find reliable executors to solve household and business tasks. It is enough to place the task and in a few minutes you will start receiving offers from the professionals who will be ready to do it.

Professionals go through a verification procedure, so our site is safe for clients.

Unlimited package offers on Goodprofi

This package allows you to leave an unlimited number of offers for all tasks in the selected categories. To purchase a package, select the categories or subcategories that exist on the site.