Cookie politics

Cookie policy

Please read our Cookie Policy before accessing our Platform and using our services

1. Cookie policy

In order to offer you a more fluid navigation on, we use a feature of the internet browser called 'cookie'. Cookies are small files that the browser places on the user's hard drive. These cookies are used to help the browser store user names, passwords, and preferences to monitor site walkthroughs and customize pages based on visitor without storing personal information or giving access to your computer. You have the option to set your browser to reject cookies. In this case, however, there will be a negative impact on navigation on our site.

Essential Cookies:

Some of these cookies that we use are of great importance for the good functioning of the site. These are used to keep the user logged in to the site and to retain relevant information about it when he returns to the site and uses our services.

Functional cookies:

We also use a certain type of cookies to track user activity on the site to understand their navigation preferences, with the goal of improving their experience on the site.

Marketing Cookies:

This third type of cookie is provided by third parties and allows us to provide customized marketing information for our customers based on site user profiles (user cookie or remarketing lists).

If you disable your browser's ability to accept cookies, you will still be able to browse our site, but you will not be able to take advantage of all the benefits.

2. What can you do to delete, disable, or block cookies?

Your browser will usually provide information on how to refuse, delete, or block cookies. The following references will lead you to the information about some commonly used browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

You can opt out of third-party cookies from Google Analytics through ad settings.
You can also opt out the interest-based targeting cookies through the participating of ad servers through the following web pages powered by the Digital Advertising Alliance:


In addition, you can change your mobile device settings to control the ads you're interested in.
Please note: if you choose to block cookies that we've set up on our Platform, you may not be able to access all or some of our services, for example, you may not be able to save custom settings such as authentication information.

3. Contact details

For further information or to exercise your rights, please contact us at any time by phone or by email.