Terms and conditions

Terms of use of the Goodprofi.com Professional Network

The site www.goodprofi.com will be referred to as Goodprofi.

Terms of use of the Professional Network Goodprofi.com

The site www.goodprofi.com will be referred to as Goodprofi.

Accepting the Terms and Conditions

1.1. These terms and conditions constitute the legal agreement between you and S.C. Goodprofi SRL. The use of the www.goodprofi.com site (such as visiting, registering, using Goodprofi's services) implies the full and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions below. Please read carefully to be able to take advantage of all services available on the site. Goodprofi reserves the right to make changes and modifications without any notice. The most recent version will always be found on this page, called "Terms and Conditions".


Goodprofi guarantees the non-disclosure of confidential data (telephone, email, address, personal data.) to the public, except cases required by law. Goodprofi prohibits the right to download or modify partially or completely the site, reproduce, copy, sell / resell or exploit the site for commercial purposes or against Goodprofi's interests without the prior written consent by this.


The use of www.goodprofi.com and the services provided by it is reserved only to individuals who have reached the age of 18 and to legal persons, including authorized individuals.



2. Definitions. The following terms that will be used below have the following meanings:


2.1. Visitor - Any individual who has reached the age of 18 and has full exercise capacity, accessing www.goodprofi.com.


2.3. User - any natural or legal person who has reached the age of 18 and has passed the registration procedure on the site.


2.3. Supplier - S.C. Goodprofi S.R.L.


2.4. The Goodprofi Page - www.goodprofi.com site, including any section or sub-page is the private property of the Company. The reproduction, partial production of the site, download of pictures or the text is forbidden.


2.5. Operator / Moderator - Vendor-trained individuals for verifying / moderating / accepting / rejecting the content of ads posted on the site.


2.6. Enter - is logging in to the site, and can be done by entering your phone number, email, and / or through Facebook or Google social networking. A user can only use one email and phone number. Trying to make multiple accounts belonging to the same person will be blocked, and the given user will no longer be able to create an account on the company's website.


2.7. Password - is a combination of symbols chosen by the user at registration, or received by email when registered via Facebook or Google.


2.8. Unverified user - a registered user on the site who has not confirmed his email address and phone number.


2.9. Verified user - user who has confirmed his / her phone number and email address.


2.10. Professional - verified user who has passed the mandatory stage of becoming a professional.


2.11. Order a Service - an ad placed by the user where the type of service or work he needs is indicated.


2.12. Beneficiary - The individual and / or legal person who ordered a service on the site.


2.13. Check User Orders - Orders added to your site by users who have confirmed their phone number and email address.


2.14. Your credits - the credits available on the site. They are used as a payment method in order to leave offers and proposals for existing and valid orders on the site. The cost of a credit and the available packages can be found on the "Buy Credits" page. Each order in each category will indicate the number of credits you have to pay to be able to leave a bid. The supplier is entitled to change prices without any prior notice, but you will always find the latest prices in the "My Credits" section.


2.15. Review / opinion / comment left by the recipient of a service on the site. The beneficiary will also be able to score from 1-5 depending on the quality, the price and the communicable / accessible nature of the professional. The review may also be left by the professional vis-à-vis the beneficiary of the service received. All reviews, notes and works are stored on the site, representing your business card on the largest network of professionals www.goodprofi.com.


3. General Aspects


3.1. To order a service on the site, you must fill out a form on the www.goodprofi.com site, containing:


category and subcategory that corresponds to the ordered service

brief description of the service / product you want

detailed service description

optionally, the price you offer to perform this service

all required fields depending on the selected category

3.2. By sending the notice for publication to the vendor, the user declares that he fully agrees with all the conditions and provisions of this document, and in case of non-compliance he will be held accountable in accordance with the legal provisions.


3.3. The validity of an ad is 30 days with the possibility of extending this term.


3.4. The services comply with the consumer protection legislation according to O.G. 21/1992, of Law 363/2002 on electronic commerce and O.G. 130/2000 on the protection of consumers when concluding and executing distance contracts.


3.5. The user who visits www.goodprofi.com may comment on the services and products offered, which may be published on the site after prior approval. The Provider reserves the right, but not the obligation, not to publish on the site any comments with illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory content that in some way disturb the privacy of others, violate intellectual property rights, contain viruses, texts representing mass mails or any other form of spam.


3.6. By clicking on the "Register" button, the user declares that he has read the Terms and Conditions www.goodprofi.com and agrees and complies with all of the terms and conditions.



4. User registration


4.1. In order to become a user of the site, you must complete the registration procedure on the site. During the registration, each user will have a phone number, email address and a unique password. The password on the site must contain at least 6 symbols. If you choose as a registration method, Facebook or Google social networking, then an automatic password will be generated. The user can change the access password on the site at any time.


4.2. After registration, you will have to enter the personal mailbox shown on the site and confirm your email, unless you register via Facebook or Google.


4.3. After registration, in order to become a verified user, you must confirm the phone number.


4.4. If you have not received your confirmation email or sms, you have to click on '' Send again '' and if you still have not received the second attempt, contact us by email or phone.


4.5. The verification email sent to your mailbox is valid for only 3 hours after the expiration of this time, the link will become invalid, and you will need to request a new verification link.


4.6. Email and phone number are strictly linked to the account you created on the site, change or modification is impossible.


5. Supplier's Rights and Obligations


5.1. The provider publishes all ads on the site that comply with the Terms and Conditions of this document.


5.2. The provider will promptly remedy any malfunctions claimed by the operation of the site or if the data specified in the ad is not true, the ad will be deleted.


5.3. The Provider does not warrant to the users of the Website that it will always be available without interruption or technical deviation. The Provider will not be responsible for not placing the ads, or posting them with delay.


5.4. The Provider can not be held liable for the activities of Users, in particular for the provision of erroneous content regarding the product or service data that is the subject of the Notice.


5.5. The provider may modify / delete an ad if it contains content that is considered offensive or libelous, constitutes unfair competition, violates the intellectual property rights of a third party or is contrary to good practice that acts to the detriment of the Supplier or otherwise violates any legal provision . The Supplier also reserves the right to suspend, modify, add or delete at any time other portions of the Website content.


5.6. The Provider has the right to remove any ads or block accounts if there is suspicion that the advertisements or accounts created have been or may be prejudicial to the security of the activities of other users of the service. Also, if the notice adversely affects the Supplier's reputation or is otherwise harmful to the Supplier.




6. Rights and Obligations of the User


6.1. The User will benefit from the Services of the site, as long as no violation of the Terms and Conditions is found.


6.2. The User assumes responsibility for the content of the Announcements and Tasks published and declare under his own responsibility that they correspond to the real and legal status of the product that is the subject of the Notice and that they do not violate the rights of the Provider.


6.3. The user declares that he will not create false tasks, will not make obscene offers or do not fit the real facts. Similarly, the user agrees to publish the photos added to the public and respect the copyright in the published content.


6.4. Apart from the information related to your own Ad, the User is forbidden to retrieve information from other existing ads on www.goodprofi.com or retrieve information from other sites.


6.6. Users are prohibited from creating multiple accounts on www.goodprofi.com, if S.C. Goodprofi SRL detects these facts, multiple accounts will be blocked.


6.7. Frames that may lead to the warning or loss of professional status:


  • The professional did not fulfill his first task;
  • Professionals received five or more negative reviews;
  • The professional pointed out the contact details in the comments at the given task;
  • The professional has specified in the contact information in his Profile to be public or links to third-party sites that contain contact information or offer the opportunity to contact the Contractor in other ways, including sites to demonstrate their work or portfolio;
  • In the Tasks comments, the Professionals used abusive language, insults, discussed issues unrelated to the essence of the task;
  • The administration received complaints from the client about the professional (inappropriate communication, breach of agreements, etc.);
  • The professional replied to the assignment, but refused to accomplish it, without agreeing with the customer and without deleting the Offer, which led to a conflict situation or the failure of the business;
  • The professional responded to the task, but sent another person to the task, who did not pass the verification procedure (friend, sister, neighbor) without the consent of the client;
  • Violated the requirements for the profile photo. The photo should look professional (face to face), without strangers, objects or animals.
  • The professional has violated the rules of communication in general chat and / or on the Site. General Chat is the service offered by the Site and serves as a place where users can provide mutual assistance to each other. In general, comment chat is banned, as well as customer criticism and insults, profanity, incitement to conflict, which constitutes a violation of the Goodprofi.com Use Agreement.
  • The professional violated the rules of communication with the Administration. The administration is designed to monitor compliance with the Goodprofi.com Resource Agreement. All users of the Site should only use direct contacts: personal chat, phone, email with the Administration. It is forbidden to discuss publicly with the Administration and discuss its actions. Complaints about actions or inaction by the Administration can be sent by sending a letter to goodprofi.com@gmail.com.

6.8. Registering as a user in the name of or in place of another person ("false account") is inadmissible to not mislead users about your identity using the Login and Password of another registered user;


6.9. Do not distort information about yourself, about your age or about your relationships with other people or organizations;


6.10. You may not download, store, publish, distribute, and provide access to information that contains threats, discredits, offends, denigrates honor and dignity or business reputation or violates privacy of other users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; vulgar or obscene things that contain pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; containing scenes of inhuman treatment of animals; containing a description of means and methods of suicide, any incitement to committing it; promotes and / or encourages race, religion, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority that contains extremist material.


6.11. No criminal activity is being promoted or contains instructions, instructions or guidelines for committing offenses containing information on limited access, including but not limited to state and commercial secrets, information on third party privacy.


6.12. Can not advertise or attract drug use, including "digital drugs" (audio files that have an impact on the human brain, information about drug trafficking, production prescriptions and counseling about their use is fraudulent and violate as well as other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of EU and other legislation;


7. Rules for placement and execution of tasks


7.1. It is forbidden to place tasks whose purpose or subject are:


  • To give and receive credits, replenishing accounts in payment systems, money transfers, payments to payment systems: AlertPay (alertpay.com), c-gold (c-gold.com), e-bullion (e- bullion.com), e-gold (e-gold.com), Liberty Reserve (libertyreserve.com), Pecunix (pecunix.com), PerfectMoney (perfectmoney.com), Bitcoin (including shifting exchanges);
  • Attracting users to third-party resources, websites or registering users on such resources;
  • To publish their services and goods or services and the assets held by third parties;

making reviews;

  • Erotic services;
  • By cheating or changing site statistics, social network subscribers, etc;
  • The order for automatic or manual sending of invitations and messages to social network users, e-mail dispatches;
  • Providing services for distributing Customer's goods;

medicaments, food additives, biologically active additives;


  • Drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, cultivation of narcotic plants;
  • Storage, transport, manufacturing, drug processing, psychotropic precursors or analogues thereof, as well as illegal acquisition, storage, transport of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;
  • Prostitution organization services, involvement in prostitution;
  • Adult content. Any pornography. Sex video chat, sites that indicate the placement of sincere photos;
  • Tobacco products;
  • Production of alcohol, ethyl alcohol;
  • Precious and rare metals and stones, jewelry, including waste containing precious and rare metals;
  • Gold bars, investment in gold bars. Any rotation of precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls, including the sale of precious metal products;
  • Hearing assistance services, regardless of the conflict, support (humanitarian assistance, arms supply, communications, medicines, etc.);
  • Weapons and ammunition (civil, service, fire):
  • Development, production, testing, storage, repair and trade, including the main parts of firearms.
  • Ammunition, including ammunition and parts thereof, such as cartridges and capsules.
  • Military equipment, spare parts, components and devices, explosives, blasting, powder, all types of rocket fuel, as well as special materials and special equipment for their production, equipment and special personnel of paramilitary and normative organizations - technical products on their territory of production and operation;
  • Fuel Agents, means of protection against them and normative and technical documentation for their production and use;
  • Services for the manufacture / modification / repair of firearms, their main parts, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices;
  • Pesticides and agrochemicals are limited in circulation;
  • Strong or poisonous substances;
  • Gambling, including lotteries, betting and raffle;
  • Forex, binary auctions, bitcoins;
  • Financial pyramids, HYIP;
  • Information placement services, materials that discredit a person's honor and dignity, violation of correspondence secrecy, personal life;
  • Creation, use and distribution of malware;
  • Carding services;
  • Unauthorized access to computer information services;
  • Hacking services of third party accounts, extraction of classified information and their modification;
  • Special technical means for secretly obtaining information;
  • Dissemination and sale of information that is commercial, taxable.


8. Responsibility of users and visitors


8.1. Visitors themselves are responsible for their actions / inactivity when they use resources and services. Visitors to ensure that the use of resources and services will be made by them in a way that does not violate the rights of third parties. Visitors guarantee that they have the right to use the material published on the site. Visitors undertake to abide by this agreement. If you breach the Terms and Conditions, the Administration reserves the right to temporarily restrict visitors' access to sites and services (temporary ban), and in case of serious and / or repeated breaches of the agreement to deny access to services and site.